Saturday, November 15, 2008


Malaysians coming to the UK are allowed to drive using Malaysian driving license issued by the JPJ or with the International Driving Permit. However, please note that it is only valid for 1 year from the day you arrived.

(Photo: Trip to Keswick, Lake Districk, UK.)

Regardless of what some may assume, your license do not "re-validates" itself when you return to Malaysia or travelling abroad, and re-enter the UK. Please refer to the FAQ section on the Malaysian Students Department web page that echos the same message.

A few of us have gotten away from getting into trouble the whole duration we stayed in the UK. Nevertheless, luck has got nothing to do with it. It is just simply that the authorities trust everyone so much that it is everyone's prerogative to ensure that one has the given right to operate a motor vehicle on the road. The police do not have the resource available to them, to check each and every Malaysians or anyone for that matter, without license while operating a vehicle. The same goes with the insurance companies.

Why take chances? We are bright thinking adults who can think for ourselves. Otherwise, we should not be in the place we are - pursuing higher education, some in such complicated fields of studies, that we cannot comprehend the importance of following rules and regulations.

When we operate vehicles without proper documents, we are jeopardising not only ourselves, but also our family. Consider yourself lucky when that trip to Tesco or the carboot was event-free, but imagine if an incident actually occurred? What if a life is lost, wouldn't it complicate matters?

Yes, if one is involved in an accident, and that the only damage is to the car; one can argue that even though one has a Malaysian driving license, the insurance company still covers the cost of repairs. We have heard that piece of story, doesn't it equate to being dishonest? See it from the perspective o what can transpire if the accident happens tragically otherwise? Can you imagine yourself suddenly being the object of news - the court, the media here and back home, as a result the postponement of studies, issues with sponsors and the Malaysian government, or worst still being locked up?

Regulations in the UK is harsh for anyone caught operating a motor vehicle involved in fatal accidents.

Do not listen to what others have to say which are mostly based on loose assumptions when it comes to following and abiding by the rules and regulations. Follow your own virtues in life.

It doesn't cost much to make yourself a valid driver. If you can afford a car, or a car to be shipped back home, and with the increase of living allowance; a spouse doing part time job, a Malaysian student can afford to get a license. Besides, the license will last until you are 70.

Please go to for the steps on getting a British license.

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